Network Assignment
Network Assignment for Wired Networks
The Instant On devices at the site. All the ports on an Instant On AP11D or AP22D router or an Instant On switch can now be configured at the same time and assigned to a particular VLAN network. The Network Assignment page provides a global view of the wired network and displays all the devices deployed at the site. Every port on the Instant On devices at the site can be assigned in bulk to a particular VLAN, expect for the following:
page facilitates the assignment of wired networks to
- The uplink port
- A port where an Instant On device is connected.
- A port that is configured as part of a trunk.
- A port that uses 802.1x
The following procedure configures the network assignment on Instant On devices:
- Tap
) tile on the Instant On home page and select a wired network from the list. The network details page is displayed.
( - Under Instant On devices at the site. , tap . The screen is displayed with the list of all the wired
- Select a wired device and tap on one of the following options, to assign the network VLAN in bulk to all the ports:
- Clear—Removes the VLAN from all the ports.
- All tagged—Assigns and tags the VLAN of a particular wired network to all the ports of the selected Instant On device.
- All untagged—Assigns and untags the VLAN of a particular network to all the ports of the selected Instant On device.
Besides assigning the VLAN in bulk to all the ports, you can also modify the status of each port by tapping on it. The status of the port is changed to C (clear), T (tagged), or U (untagged) subsequently every time you tap on a particular port.
- Tap the back arrow (
). The changes are saved automatically.
Network Assignment for Wireless Networks
Instant On provides the option to assign employee and guest wireless networks to the APs on site. By default, all APs are selected for a newly created wireless network. You can also choose not to assign any APs to a particular wireless network.
The following procedure describes how to assign Instant On APs to a wireless network:
- Tap
) tile on the Instant On home page and select a wireless network from the list. The network details page is displayed.
( - Under Instant On APs at the site. , tap . The screen is displayed with the list of all the
- Slide the toggle switch to the right (
), next to the listed APs to assign them to the wireless network.
- Tap the back arrow (
) to return to the network details page.
- Tap Done.
Alternatively, the wireless networks can also be assigned to an Instant On AP in the device details page. For more information, see Network Assignment for Instant On APs.